We offer the following services:
- NEW: Allergy Check
- NEW: Vitamin D3 Check
- Bladder infection analysis
- Blood pressure measurements
- Blood glucose measurements
- Vaccination (TBE / influenza / Hepatitis A & B diphtheria / tetanus / whooping cough / measles / mumps / rubella / herpes zoster / meningococcus) - You must be at least 16 years old
- Wound treatment
- Support/Surgical stockings made to measure
- Morning-after contraception pill
Wir offer advice for the following:
- Vaccination advice amd guidance
- Personal travel advice
- Travel advice
We carry a large range of Swiss over-the-counter products. Please order any required medicine and we deliver within 24 hours. Urgently needed medicines, which are not in stock, can be provided within 1-2 hours.
Due to our automated storage management, we have a large drug warehouse.
Knowledge and Experience
As health professionals we can provide you advice about your medicine, it's usage, effects and side effects and support you in a wide range of health issues.
In addition, we have access to an international documentation database, which enables us to access important information on drugs from all over the world.
Our professional IT system helps us to check for each drug interaction. We ensure that prescribed medication as well as those purchased by yourself do not cause any adverse reactions. Urgently needed medicines, which are not on stock, can be provided within 24 hours or replaced with alternative medication. We consider ourselves as a first resource for any health issues.
Due to our experience, we can assess whether a health problem can be treated by yourself or if further medical evaluation is required.